Tuesday, June 8, 2010

When journaling this morning, I heard someone ask, why morning pages? why journaling? and the words "the unexamined life is not worth living" came to mind, and Oscar Wilde's statement, "I never travel without my journal, one should always have something sensational to read." Sensational? Sensate? Embodied in the physical sense-filled world? Or does he mean, off-the-charts, wild, tingling -- well, journaling for me starts in the real, physical world at the moment I pick up my pen. If I were journaling at this moment I would capture three or four dominate sounds, the tickling wind chimes chiming, the cars zip-slishing up the street, the drone of an airplane, and the soft whisper of tree leaves in the blowing breathe of our cosmos. The sun is so bright this morning, the shadows of patio chairs appear to be carved and shaded with black pens. On and only, journaling is a journey through the senses first, and that usually leads to ideas percolating up to my imagination. Every day awareness-poetry attacks my body through the senses.

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